CC BY 4.0 - Phoenicopterus chilensis (Flamencos)

SIB Uruguay

Biodiversity Information System of Uruguay
Uruguay GBIF Node


Occurrences with coordinates


National publishers

Registered collections

CC BY 4.0 - Leones marinos (Otaria flavescens). Por Enrique González, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Uruguay. 2022. Via Wikimedia Commons.


Here you can find open information on Uruguay’s biodiversity records contributed by members of the Uruguay node in GBIF and other data publishers.
The data published through this portal are for public use.


You will find the lists of species published by the National Directorate of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Ministry of Environment.

CC BY SA 4.0 - Amphisbaena darwinii (Misto). By Enrique González, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Uruguay. 2020. Via Wikimedia Commons.

This list compiles the fauna species evaluated and reported in the Red Lists of Uruguay, published by the Ministry of Environment. The species that were part of the assessments of the conservation status of the avifauna (Aspiro, Alfaro & Jiménez, 2012) and herpetofauna (Carreira & Maneyro, 2015) of Uruguay, based on the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, are shared.

CC BY 4.0 - Rhinella schneideri (Cururu). By Enrique González, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Uruguay. 2019. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Taxonomic list of the amphibians of Uruguay