Templates for data publication
The templates for publication of biological records are files in Excel format that have available the fields (headings) of the Darwin Core standard and are accompanied by a definition for each one, indicating the mandatory, recommended and optional fields to publish biodiversity data in the SIBUy portal. These templates were generated by SIB Colombia(Plata C, Ortiz R, Marentes E, Velásquez J, Diaz J, Escobar D, Castro C, Leuro N, Sánchez L. 2024. Template for the publication of biological records. Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad de Colombia. Version 4.1, Bogotá, D.C.) and adapted for Uruguay (2024).
Occurrence Data
These resources provide evidence of the presence of a species in a specific place and, generally, at a specific date. These datasets complement the information in the species lists by mapping the historical or current distribution of species. In their most basic form, these data may include only general location information, such as country, but ideally also incorporate geographic coordinates and their precision, facilitating detailed mapping. In many cases, records may document multiple individuals of the same species separately. Examples of this type of data include databases of specimens from natural history collections, observations generated by citizen science, data from species atlas projects, among others.
Required DwC terms
- occurrenceID
- basisOfRecord
- scientificName
- eventDate
Recommended DwC terms
- taxonRank - to support the scientific name
- kingdom - and another higher taxonomy if possible
- decimalLatitude & decimalLongitude & geodeticDatum - to provide a specific location
- countryCode
- individualCount / organismQuantity & organismQuantityType - to count the number of biological records for a species
Sampling Event Data
This type of data provides detailed information on the presence of species at specific locations and times, along with the sampling methods employed. Datasets from sampling events are generated following standardized protocols, allowing researchers to analyze species abundance, community composition, and make comparisons between different times and locations. Common examples include vegetation transects, bird censuses, monitoring programs, and environmental DNA samples. Unlike casual observations, these data are quantitative and calibrated, making them valuable tools for identifying changes and trends in populations. In addition, by incorporating details about sampling protocols and effort, it is possible to infer species absence and gain a deeper understanding of biodiversity patterns.
Required DwC terms
- eventID, also required for associated biological registry data (for linking)
- eventDate
- samplingProtocol
Recommended DwC terms
- sampleSizeValue & sampleSizeUnit
- parentEventID, in situations in which the event is part of a series of events
- samplingEffort, to provide evidence of the rigor of the sampling event
- locationID, in situations where the sampled plot/transect has a unique identifier
- decimalLatitude & decimalLongitude & geodeticDatum - to provide a specific location
- footprintWKT & footprintSRS, to provide a specific location
- countryCode
- occurrenceStatus, only for associated biological log data to record presence/absence data.
Checklist Data
Resources that contain a set of species grouped according to some category, such as taxonomic, geographic, risk (e.g., red lists), or crop-related wild varieties. These lists may include additional information, such as hierarchical classifications or specific attributes associated with each species. Common examples include regional or global species lists, national or international red lists, catalogs of species in non-digitized collections, or inventories of species present in parks and protected areas.
Required DwC terms
- taxonID
- scientificName
- taxonRank
Recommended DwC terms
- kingdom - and another higher taxonomy if possible
- parentNameUsageID - in situations where a taxonomy is intended for publication
Download the template
- Adapted from Wieczorek J, Blissett M, Braak K & Podolskiy M (2024) The GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit User Manual, version 3.0. Copenhagen: GBIF Secretariat. https://ipt.gbif.org/manual/en/ipt/3.0/
- SiB Colombia (2024, october 10th) Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad de Colombia. Retrieved from: https://biodiversidad.co/