What is the National Catalog of Biological Collections of Uruguay?
Within the framework of the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, SIBUy seeks to integrate all general information on the country’s biological collections through a national collections directory. This country tool is directly linked to the Global Registry of Scientific Collections (GRSciColl), which is a community repository of information on scientific collections that expands on the work initiated by the Barcode of Life Consortium (CBOL) and is now coordinated and hosted by the Global Biodiversity Information System (GBIF).
This catalog is a comprehensive, community-driven clearinghouse of information on biological collections in the country. It provides information on physical scientific collections-their contents, location, contacts, partner institutions, and collection codes and identifiers. It offers information for a wide range of uses by experts, researchers, and members of the general public.
Linkage with records published in SIBUy-GBIF
Collections listed in this national catalog may or may not automatically link to records published through SIBUy-GBIF and displayed on the collection page. This depends on the collection also being a registered publisher in SIBUy (see How to publish) and having records available for the specimens available in the collection. Such records must have documented Darwin Core collectionID and collectionCode fields with the same identifier assigned in the collection catalog, so that they can be matched. Collections that meet this condition and have linked published records will see the number reflected in the “Specimens in GBIF” column when browsing the collections catalog, and will be able to access them.
How to join the National Catalog of Biological Collections of Uruguay
If you wish to add your collection to the Catalog, please contact the SIBUy National Node team at the following e-mail address biodiversidad@ambiente.gub.uy